Scott Robbin has created a great little Twitter bot that lets you use Twitter to send you SMS reminders. Timer allows you to setup a reminder by sending a direct message to the bot, in the format:
d timer [# of minutes until reminder] [your message]
This is a clever and useful Twitter bot, but still leaves a few things to be desired. My main complaint is that the timer only understands minutes. Many times, I might want a reminder for days or weeks in the future.
I’d love to see Timer use a syntax similar to, which allows scheduling reminders for days, weeks or even months in advance. It would be simple enough to do; the format could be something like this:
d timer [# of units until reminder][m/d/w] [your message]
If the unit designator is left off, minutes could be implied (allowing backward compatibility).
via Lifehacker
According to the idea to use twitter as time manger my staff and me integrated it in our project management software (Teamwork).
We add the functionality to change your twits in timesheets on specific projects, so if you need a more structured work manager you can have it with our software but you can continue to log your activity in Twitter. Try it!
According to the idea to use twitter as time manger my staff and me integrated it in our project management software (Teamwork).
We add the functionality to change your twits in timesheets on specific projects, so if you need a more structured work manager you can have it with our software but you can continue to log your activity in Twitter. Try it!