I wanted to say thanks to the many wonderful people I had a chance to meet at UXWEEK2006 (in no particular order): Steven Berlin Johnson, author of Everything Bad is Good For You and Emergence (which I’ve added to my “must read” list); Ray Daly of the NEA; Chiara Fox, Dan Saffer, Brandon Schauer and Ryan Freitas, all of Adaptive Path (who organized the whole shebang); Jace Cole of Allstate Insurance; Bradley Horowitz of Yahoo; Betsy Pitlick of Washington Mutual; Luc-Rock Paquin of Canada Business Industry; Bryan Busch, Geniant; Jeff Veen, Google; Craig Duncan of the UN OCHA in Geneva, Switzerland; Alice Yeo, Autotrader.com; Jane Louise Webster, Council on Foundations; John Vincent, LL Bean; Kevin Lingerfelt, Americans United for Separation of Church and State; Dan Brown, author of Communicating Design; and Bryan Chamberlain, Nationwide.
To anyone I’ve left out, my apologies. To all, I look forward to the next time our paths cross. For photos, check out the UXWEEK2006 tag on Flickr.
technorati tags:UXWEEK2006
Ah, I see you clicked the Flickr link. I never tried the leopard skin robe, but the zebra print worked. Seriously, those robes in the Hotel Palomar were really a kick.
Ah, I see you clicked the Flickr link. I never tried the leopard skin robe, but the zebra print worked. Seriously, those robes in the Hotel Palomar were really a kick.
Hey, Jeff. Just stumbled upon this post. You can find me at lunchcorp.com, theynow.com and/or re-run.com
Hey, Jeff. Just stumbled upon this post. You can find me at lunchcorp.com, theynow.com and/or re-run.com
Hey Bryan, good to hear from you! I’m going to check out your haunts now…
Hey Bryan, good to hear from you! I’m going to check out your haunts now…