Twitter is increasingly a popular way to connect with experts across a variety of fields. Finding the people you know is easy enough, but how do you discover people who are actively tweeting about the topics you’re interested in? For me, I’m interested in a number of subjects, but of particular interest is the field of knowledge management — helping connect people to share and leverage knowledge and expertise.
On the subject of knowledge management, MindTouch has attempted to do just that — creating an annual list of the Top 100 Influencers in KM. While I’m honored to be included on the list (at #53), I should point out that it’s far from perfect. The list evaluates Twitter users, based on their use of the #KM and #KMers hash tags. If you’re a key influencer who does not use Twitter, you’re not on the list. If you’re a key influencer who doesn’t use the key hash tags, you’re also not on the list (sorry @elsua).
Keeping up with the Top 100 KM Influencers
Following all 100 of these users is probably not of interest to most of you, even if you have a passion for KM. You may have other interests, and other topics that you follow. Here’s how you can easily keep up with the KMers on this list, without necessarily following all of them. I’ve created a Twitter list. You can subscribe to this Top 100 #KMers Twitter list. Whenever you want to view their latest tweets, visit your Twitter profile, click lists and then select the subscribed list. You’ll see all their latest tweets.
Over time, you may see certain people that you want to follow. If you choose to follow someone, all of their tweets will appear in your Twitter stream.
You can create your own Twitter lists, and I encourage you to do so. Lists are a great way to help you filter and refine the tweets you see, and manage the exchange of information.
Who are the Top 100 #KM Influencers for 2013?
Here’s the full list:
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Description | URL |
1 | weknowmore | weknowmore | Knowledge management and social media for individuals, networks and organizations #education #KM #training #e20 NL Ì¢èÏ?Û¼ | |
2 | DavidGurteen | David Gurteen | Knowledge Management consultant, speaker and facilitator. Founder of the Gurteen Knowledge Community and Gurteen Knowledge Cafes. iPhone: +44 7774 178 650 #KM | |
3 | snowded | Dave Snowden | Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Cognitive Edge | |
4 | StanGarfield | Stan Garfield | Knowledge manager, communities of practice evangelist, community facilitator, social business practitioner, writer, presenter, and leader | |
5 | NancyWhite | Nancy White | chocoholic, online facilitator, learner, visual thinker. Co-author Digital Habitats:stewarding technology for communities | |
6 | VMaryAbraham | VMaryAbraham | Blogger, Knowledge Management Consultant, Corporate Lawyer, Workshop/Meeting Facilitator, Strategic Conversations Coach, Social Media Enthusiast. | |
7 | JackVinson | Jack Vinson | Theory of Constraints and Knowledge Management. Also: cycling, personal effectiveness, books, wife & kids (two boys), Boston. | |
8 | euan | Euan Semple | Helping people understand the web /Author of Organizations Don't Tweet People Do | |
9 | 4KM | Alice MacGillivray | Inspired by natural systems, I work with leadership, knowledge & complexity. PhD in systems. Health entrepreneur and Fjord horse owner. Art by Amy Lenzo. | |
10 | knowledgetank | knowledgetank | Feeding the best knowledge management blogs to Twitter. Served by @weknowmore #KM #KMers | |
11 | ithorpe | Ian Thorpe | Knowledge manager, international development worker, suburban dad. Tweets represent my views, not my organization's etc. | |
12 | RichardHare | Richard Hare | Intranet Troubleshooter Richard Hare fixes broken intranets: knowledge management, social media, internal communications - and acts in his spare time | |
13 | WestPeter | Peter West | Newly-published, subscription & fee-based scholarly articles, books, etc. of interest to knowledge workers (#KM). Free articles *echoed* to @WestPeter_Free | |
14 | gaurisalokhe | Gauri Salokhe | IKM Officer @ #UNFAO, Social media, communications, organizational skills dev, food security, hunger, environment, green issues etc. Thoughts R my own! | |
15 | chris_collison | Chris Collison | Author, Advisor, Consultant, Coach in Knowledge Management (#km) and Organisational learning | |
16 | KMersChat | #KMers Chat | organizes weekly Twitter chats for knowledge professionals by using the #KMers hashtag. Would you like to contribute? Get involved | |
17 | DeltaKnowledge | Stuart French | Focus: Knowledge Management & Wikis - enjoys Blogging, Ice Hockey, Go, Guitar, Photography, Watercolor Painting. Public speaker. | |
18 | KMAustralia | KM Australia | KM AND COLLABORATION AUSTRALIA Drawing on the input of knowledge management communities and industry experts | |
19 | johnt | John Tropea | Collaboration Lead...and interested in all the c words - collaboration, coordination, cooperation, complexity, community, communication... | |
20 | KMWorldMagazine | KMWorld Magazine | Covering the latest in Content, Document and Knowledge Management. | |
21 | cdn | Christian DE NEEF | Seasoned consultant. No dogmas. No preconceptions. No schools. Working at the crossroads of innovation management, knowledge management & learning organizations | |
22 | mariosoavi | Mario Soavi | #KM #semantic #communication #trend #advertising #marketing | |
23 | ewenlib | ewenlb | Learning, KM, innovation, comms, M&E for social change and empowerment is my work. Ì¢?âÂèÏFun, focus & feedbackÌ¢?âÂ?㢠my mantra. +friends+family+music+food+sport my life. | |
24 | KMAsiaPacific | KM Asia | KM Asia - over 10 years of running knowledge management events. | |
25 | StephenDale | Steve Dale | Learning about life and a life-long learner. Willing to pass on what I find out - even the useful stuff! | |
26 | KM4dev | km4dev | Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) is a global Community of Practice that learns and shares on the same. | |
27 | etiennewenger | Etienne Wenger | | |
28 | klowey22 | John Hovell | Practitioner, speaker, and writer in knowledge management strategy and methods. | |
29 | KMskunkworks | David Griffiths | PhD (Edin) Founder K3-Cubed Ltd - Org. Complexity, resilience, KM and HR speaker, educator and consultant | |
30 | nickknoco | Nick Milton | Knowledge Management guide and coach, trainer and service provider, with more than 19 years experience. Director and founder of Knoco Ltd. | |
31 | jeanneHolm | Jeanne Holm | Evangelist,; Chief Knowledge Architect at NASA/JPL; UCLA Teacher and Alum | |
32 | KnowledgeBoss | Managing Knowledge? | Sharing knowledge and collaborating? Get news from the Boss. Learn more here | |
33 | StrategicKM | Knowledge Management | Knowledge, KM, Strategic KM, Knowledge Creation Process, KM programmes, Creativity & Innovation. Email:[email protected] | |
34 | driessen | Samuel Driessen | Senior Consultant at Entopic. Interests: enterprise 2.0, social business, knowledge management, social media, intranet, communities, change, innovation, ideas | |
35 | BarbaraFillip | Barbara Fillip | Interested in knowledge management, learning (organizational, e-Learning, etc..) international development, aerospace, fiction writing, and film music. (en, fr) | |
36 | panklam | Patti Anklam | Networks, complexity, relatedness/it's all Net Work | |
37 | LawyerKM | Patrick DiDomenico | Director of Knowledge Management at @OgletreeDeakins, Lawyer, KM, Social Media, Apple, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu | |
38 | APQC | APQC | One of the worldÌ¢?âÂ?ã¢s leading proponents of knowledge management, benchmarking, and best practice business research. Make best practices your practices. | |
39 | rsamii | Roxanna Samii | Development worker, KM practitioner, social media strategist, interested in potential of mobile telephony and how web2.0 tools can help eradicate poverty | |
40 | carlfrappaolo | Carl Frappaolo | KM, BPM, ECM practitioner and zealot | |
41 | nancymdixon | Nancy Dixon | I focus on the human side of knowledge management | |
42 | metaphorage | Arthur Shelley | Educator, Author, Speaker: Metaphor tools for behavioural environment development, Projects, Mentoring, Leadership, Performance. Meta (above), forage (seek) | |
43 | mathemagenic | Lilia Efimova | Researcher/practitioner: changing workplace and social media. Mother of two kids: value of attachment and non-standard educational options. Learning to balance. | |
44 | johanlammers | Johan Lammers | Music Maker, Knowledge Management Proclaimer, Organizational Psychologist, Social Media Trainer, Idea Generator and Overall Enthusiast | |
45 | JBordeau | John Bordeaux | Grandfather, veteran, consultant. Most interested in issues of organizational knowledge design for the public sector. Views not those of my employer. | |
46 | markgould | Mark Gould | Committed to exploring and sharing interesting stuff about law, knowledge, design, music, life, technology, und so weiter... | |
47 | swanwick | Robert Swanwick | Focused on innovation and online collaboration. Founder of twebevent and #KMers | |
48 | Collaboratrix | Collaboratrix | Entrepreneur | Social Business & KM | SharePoint Analyst | Writer | Photographer & Eternal Dreamer | |
49 | jmcgee | Jim McGee | Helping organizations make better use of technology | |
50 | kmjuggler | Frank Leistner | 5-Ball juggling CKO - passionate about knowledge flows | |
51 | jeffhester | Jeff Hester | Champion for KM & social media, online community curator, husband, dad, grandfather, friend, hiker, MTBer, backpacker, dog walker, and damn good listener. | |
52 | ckreutz | Christian Kreutz | Entrepreneur and open knowledge advocate. Exploring the potentials for social innovation through collaboration. @ffminfo @okfde @ict4d | |
53 | lehawes | Larry Hawes | Observer. Thinker. Writer. Advisor. Principal and Founder of @DowBrook. @GigaOMPro analyst. @Forbes contributor. | |
54 | KnowledgeBoard | KnowledgeBoard | If you're interested in knowledge management, KnowledgeBoard is interested in you! It would be great if you could stop by. | |
55 | kdelarue | Keith De La Rue | AcKnowledge Consulting - acting on knowledge, communication and learning. Facilitation, Education, Public Speaking. Opinions expressed are mine alone. | |
56 | KMHobbie | David Hobbie | litigation knowledge management attorney, husband and Dad, violinist and violist; also manage blog at | |
57 | roanyong | Roan Yong | Innovation, KM, and Social Collaboration Consultant & Design Thinker. I'm the author of Social Collaboration. | |
58 | MadanRao | Madanmohan Rao | Author and consultant in knowledge management, ICT4D, innovation, new media; world music editor and DJ | |
59 | collabguy | Michael Sampson | Making Collaboration Work - culture, governance, adoption. | |
60 | chieftech | chieftech | I'm a consultant with Ripple Effect Group (was Headshift). Trying to design better applied technology. Not always serious on Twitter 🙂 | |
61 | KMeducation | KMedu Hub | Find and promote Knowledge Management education & training worldwide | Mod.: Boris Jaeger (@borisj, @jaegerWM) | hashtag: #KMedu | |
62 | corza | Cory Banks | Collaboration Catalyst | Problem Solver | Change Agent | Social Business Activist | Innovation Advocate My personal views. RT Ì¢?Û¡åÊ Endorsement | |
63 | glambert | Greg Lambert | Law Librarian (BigLaw), Blogger,, Competitive Intelligence, Social Media, Knowledge Management (KM), Speaker, not Adam (sorry) | |
64 | nimmypal | nimmypal | Knowledge Seeker. Books. Flora & Fauna. Animation & Cartoons. Music. Silence. Humor. Words. Writing. Creativity. Entrepreneurship. Spirituality. Wodehouse. C&H. | |
65 | JohnGirard | John Girard, Ph.D. | Keynote Speaker, Author, Professor. Download our free #KM #Technology #Leadership #Culture iPad book Leading Knowledge | |
66 | mneff | mneff | Innovation, Knowledge Management, Organizational Change, Authentic Leadership, Learning, Connecting People | |
67 | s2d_jamesr | James Robertson | Author of Designing intranets: creating sites that work and What every intranet team should know. Intranet and CMS guru, owner of Step Two Designs. | |
68 | GurteenNews | GurteenNews | GurteenNews is a Twitter newsfeed that informs you of new resources and updates posted on Gurteen Knowledge. | |
69 | RonYoung | Ron Young | Knowledge Management and Innovation consultant, conference speaker, lecturer, writer | |
70 | roojwright | Andrew Wright | End user intranet benchmarking, intranets, SharePoint, manages the Worldwide Intranet Challenge (WIC) | |
71 | neridahart | Nerida Hart | Information and knowledge management specialist who is passionate about empowering people and sustainable agriculture - and also an alpaca breeder (suris) | |
72 | engin_eer | Matt Moore | I failed the Turing Test | |
73 | rickladd | Rick Ladd | Professional Eclectic - Talented, experienced businessman offering varied skills for hire. Jack of all Trades, master of some. Iconoclast, boat rocker. Dad. | |
74 | jschunter | jschunter | KM Specialist at @UNDP interested in knowledge management (#KM), #development cooperation, organizational change, #ICT4D, #socialmedia and enterprise 2.0 | |
75 | sagenet | Jenny Ambrozek | | |
76 | michellelamb | Michelle Lamb | Change & Knowledge Sharing practitioner - Facilitator of KMRt, into all things KM, Change, collaboration and Web 2.0, learning from others sharing with all | |
77 | kcbower | Kate Bower | Change management consultant, knowledge management & social media enthusiast. | |
78 | juneholley | June Holley | Network Weaver, | |
79 | ictkm | ICT-KM of the CGIAR | Collaborate, Create, Communicate - a unit of the CGIAR | |
80 | JoeRaimondo | Joe Raimondo | Principal & Executive Strategist at Ontologique; focus on making sense of the emerging world of semantic awareness. Founding Principal: The Infotention Network. | |
81 | vanderwal | Thomas Vander Wal | I work at the intersection of social interaction design (SxD) & Enterprise 2.0 (a block from Web 2.0) - Work-ish account @infocloud. Open @openvanderwal | |
82 | tomknoco | Tom Young | one of the world's most experienced knowledge management practitioners | |
83 | BestKMresearch | Best KM Research | Academic research findings about Knowledge Management and best practices for workplace collaboration, innovation and efficiency. | |
84 | rsims | Ray Sims | Senior knowledge management professional supporting tech, media and telecom industries. Outdoor adventurer. Aspiring dad, husband, social activist and Buddhist. | |
85 | borisj | Boris Jaeger | Knowledge Management & Social Media consultant #jaegerWM | SmartPeople magazine #SPmag | KM Education Hub #KMedu | JÌÄå_ger-Mei(st)er-Fete #jmf | |
86 | carge77 | Seth Cargiuolo | By night, Deep Thinker & Writer-In-Chief @ By day, CKO & Digital Strategy Guy at The Saint Consulting Group. All content my own. | |
87 | deb_lavoy | Deb Louison Lavoy | Reinvention of Marketing and Work. Be clear, be excellent, be kind. | |
88 | dineshtantri | Dinesh Tantri | Practice Lead - Social Collaboration at ThoughtWorks - Intensely passionate about the impact of social technologies on enterprises and education. | |
89 | AppliedWisdom | Cheryl Cooper | Global Knowledge Sharing Ninja. Ex-CKO. Team Leadership Trainer. Executive Coach. Expert Facilitator of Innovation #SocEnt & #KM fan | |
90 | KM_Forum | Knowledge Management | KM Forum - Knowledge Management Forum | Join KM: | |
91 | MPuzzlePiece | Stephanie Barnes | KM Consultant & I co-facilitate Knowledge Workers Toronto also check out | |
92 | knowledgeEnabler | Joris Claeys | # Econologics | Extended ENTERPRISE Econological SUSTAINABLE ValueChain SOLUTIONS Ì¢?âÂ?ÛÏ Corporate & Public SUSTAINABILITY Ì¢?âÂ?ÛÏ Resilience Coaching || WE are Unlimited! | |
93 | trib | Stephen Collins | Thinker, doer, iconoclast, professional loudmouth. Runs @acidlabs, Creative Catalyst for @TEDxCanberra. Husband. Dad. CrossFitter. Rugby tragic. WoWer. | |
94 | joitske | Joitske | I tweet about social learning, workplacelearning, communities, innovation. I am fascinated by the way social media supports learning - Dutch and English tweets | |
95 | mrjcleaver | Martin Cleaver | Wiki, Distributed Collaboration, Atlassian Partner; 2010 Industry Chair for WikiSym conference. MSc Comp Sci & MBA. Co-runs; | |
96 | JeffMerrell | Jeff Merrell | Lecturer learning & organizational change at Northwestern Univ. @NU_MSLOC, ed tech & KM enthusiast, exploring digital collaboration for social benefit | |
97 | md_santo | Md Santo | Knowledge Management Ì¢?âÂ?ÛÏ Complexity Theory Ì¢?âÂ?ÛÏ Philosophy of Science Ì¢?âÂ?ÛÏ Theoretical Physics Ì¢?âÂ?ÛÏ Organizational Learning Ì¢?âÂ?ÛÏ Higher Education Ì¢?âÂ?ÛÏ Nature Knowledge Theory | |
98 | KnowledgePad | Alan O'Neill | Passionate about Sharing Knowledge. | |
99 | Inmagic | Inmagic | Helping organizations leverage their information and knowledge assets | |
100 | rdatta | Raj Datta | love the intersection of technology, business, people, knowledge; Into collaboration, innovation, e2.0, social networks, communities; | |
Who is missing?
As I pointed out, the science behind this is imperfect, as it relies on people tweeting with the appropriate hash tags. Some of the Top 100 are “official” twitter accounts for organizations, and don’t interact so much as broadcast. Who would you include on your Top 100 KMers list?
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