Creating content on a regular basis can be challenging. Some so-called blogging experts suggest that you need to post regularly to build your audience. That may be true if that aligns with your goals, but I agree with Scott Stratton’s theory. I heard him speak a couple months ago at a Linked OC event, and he reiterated what he says in his book UnMarketing (affiliate link): that quality is far more important than quantity. If you don’t have something that you simply must share, then it probably isn’t worth sharing.
Or as Scott puts it, people don’t share “meh.” People share emotion. People share what moves them. People share awesome.
On the other side of that coin is the view that as with anything, practice makes perfect. If you want to become a better guitarist, photographer or writer, you need to do that, and do so with some degree of frequency.
That, in part, is one of the ideas behind Project 365, a photography meme popular on Flickr and beyond. The idea is simple. Take one photo every day for one year, and share it online.
I first learned about Project 365 when my friend Ed took on the challenge, and I saw his photography improve by leaps and bounds. And so I decided on January 1st, it was my time to embark on that journey. I’ve started my first Project 365, and I’m looking forward to seeing the results this time next year.
So then yesterday I read on Mashable that the folks at WordPress had issued a similar challenge to the blogging world: write a post a day for a year. They’ve even created a website titled The Daily Post with ideas for writing.
Now those who have followed this blog on and off over the years know that I have been anything but regular about writing. I tend to write in frenzied spurts. But the idea of such a disciplined approach to writing was seductive, and I took the bait.
Yes, I realize I’m not starting this project on January 1st. There are no rules except for those I create, and those are subject to change. But from here on, I’m going to give it a shot… a quality post a day for the next 365 days.
One down, 364 to go.
Go get em tiger 🙂
Thanks for the mentions
Thanks for stopping by, Scott! I enjoyed your book and have recommended it to several friends.