One thing you need to realize is that if you keep posting this sort of stuff, someone much greater than you will think you are making fun of the emporer’s clothes and put you on the blacklist.
One thing you need to realize is that if you keep posting this sort of stuff, someone much greater than you will think you are making fun of the emporer’s clothes and put you on the blacklist.
epiclectic says
One thing you need to realize is that if you keep posting this sort of stuff, someone much greater than you will think you are making fun of the emporer’s clothes and put you on the blacklist.
Too freakin’ funny – thank god for Youtube!
epiclectic says
One thing you need to realize is that if you keep posting this sort of stuff, someone much greater than you will think you are making fun of the emporer’s clothes and put you on the blacklist.
Too freakin’ funny – thank god for Youtube!
Jeff Hester says
More to follow. Stay tuned! 😉
Jeff Hester says
More to follow. Stay tuned! 😉