According to Wikipedia, the seven deadly sins were introduced by St. Gregory the Great. He ranked them from least serious to most: lust, gluttony, sadness (later replaced by sloth), avarice (greed), anger, envy and pride.
If we assume the blogosphere to be a microcosm of the world at large (which we can’t really, since it reflects those geeky and vain enough to bother creating a blog in the first place)… but IF we assume so, could we use the blogoshpere as a prediction market for the seven deadly sins? What sins or hot (or not)?
Fortunately, Intelliseek’s BlogPulse tools reveal the answer. As you can see from the report, pride and anger compete for the top spot, with lust surprisingly a distant third. Presumably, bloggers as a whole are an angry, proud lot with an occasional lusty desire.
Sloth and gluttony fall at the bottom of the heap. Maybe bloggers by the very fact that they bother to blog at all are less inclined toward sloth. I suspect gluttony would be ranked much higher if the keyword and it’s variants were replaced with more commonly used synonyms.
Check out more amusing trends at BlogPulse.
I think the real problem with this trend report is that it relies on the occurance of some pretty obscure words. Seriously, when was the last time you used “slot” or “gluttony” (or even “lust”) in normal conversation?
We’re much more likely to talk about “being lazy” or “pigging out.” If you could somehow normalize the results to account for modern terminology, the results might be different.
I think the real problem with this trend report is that it relies on the occurance of some pretty obscure words. Seriously, when was the last time you used “slot” or “gluttony” (or even “lust”) in normal conversation?
We’re much more likely to talk about “being lazy” or “pigging out.” If you could somehow normalize the results to account for modern terminology, the results might be different.