Being active and highly visible in the world of instant messaging, I get some interesting and sometimes amusing messages from complete strangers (with an emphasis on “strange”). Today I had the following conversation with an Ingrid who seemed to think I was impersonating some actor:
Ingrid says:
happy new year
Jeff says:
hello and happy new year to you too
Ingrid says:
hi, ….sorry im asking but why you use that photo? inst (sp) you
Jeff says:
yes, that’s me
Ingrid says:
no!. is an actor!
Ingrid says:
well im have dinner, bye!
Jeff says:
no, it’s me
In the words of William Shakespeare, “All the world’s a stage…” I’m curious though; what actor does she think my display picture looks like?
technorati tags: humor chat IM
We know you are not an actor – you just play one on TV, right?
We know you are not an actor – you just play one on TV, right?