I’ve never been asked to spread a meme until Etanisla prodded me with these seven questions. What is a meme? In the context of the blogsphere, a meme usually refers to a preset question or set of questions that a number of blog authors answer. In the more scientific sense, a meme raises larger questions of self-determination vs. a sort of mathematical predestination that I am apparently predetermined to resist.
But I digress. Here are the seven questions…
1. You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?
What else but Fahrenheit 451 itself? First, it serves as a warning to anyone who reads it. Second, I love the irony of being the book-within-the-book. Thirdly, I have a lot of respect for Ray Bradbury, who I met at small book signing in Temecula a few years back. Side note: His favorite movie adaptation of one of his stories is the charming but obscure film called The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit.
2. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Uh, no. Is this a “girl” question?
3. The last book you bought is:
The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks by Rachel Andrew. I am not a web geek. I am not a web geek. I am not a web geek. Really.
4. The last book you read:
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. Worth reading in spite of the hurried final chapter.
5. What are you currently reading?
Dan Brown’s prequel to The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons, because everyone else has (another meme?).
6. Five books you would take to a deserted island:
First, the Bible. But not just any Bible — a really rare one. This serves two purposes. First, it’s rich with reading and inspiration. Second, it serves a practical purpose, having a resale value that would soften my landing should God see purpose for me to be rescued.
The Practice of the Presence of God written in the 1600’s by Brother Lawrence. This small book opened my eyes to the possibility of worship through every small action we take. Being stranded on a deserted island, that sort of patience and spiritual harmony would be a real plus, and I’d have plenty of time to practice.
On a practical note, SAS Survival Handbook: How to Survive in the Wild, in Any Climate, on Land or at Sea would come in handy. I love backpacking and can handle myself pretty well outdoors, but I suck at fishing (or more accurately, catching fish) and have little experience in the typical deserted island activities (water desalinization, sun protection, etc.).
I’d like the complete Lord of the Rings trilogy. When I first read these books back in high school I was struck by the depth Tolkien put into the backstory–languages, history, mythology and so much more that is barely hinted at in the books. I would love to exercise my imagination and fill out that history, taking it further and weaving it into something larger still.
Finally, give me an unabridged copy of the Oxford Dictionary of English. It’s interesting, and as I work my way through the entries, I can crumple the pages and use them to help start my beach-front signal fire.
7. Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?
Xerraire, because she kindly links to me and strikes a good balance between pragmatism and surprise. Steve, because he likes to be challenged almost as much as he likes to challenge. And Marcus because I don’t know him well enough yet.
If you didn’t get the stick, leave a comment and tell me what your choices would be.
Hey, Jeff,
It was fun reading your comments. Thanks for sending them to me. I’m sitting here waiting for the guy to come and install new locks in the garage. We had a bicycle thief two weeks ago.
I think you may have some rain on the way to you, it’s been raining on and off for days here.
Hope you have a good birthday – any special plans? I’ll try to call after my class.
Love, Mom
Hey, Jeff,
It was fun reading your comments. Thanks for sending them to me. I’m sitting here waiting for the guy to come and install new locks in the garage. We had a bicycle thief two weeks ago.
I think you may have some rain on the way to you, it’s been raining on and off for days here.
Hope you have a good birthday – any special plans? I’ll try to call after my class.
Love, Mom
It’s always gratifying to know that even if no one else reads your blog, mom will. But mom, this isn’t the same as email. What you post here, everyone else can read, too.
And for what it’s worth, you’re way cooler than most moms, who probably could never post on a blog if they even knew what one was.
It’s always gratifying to know that even if no one else reads your blog, mom will. But mom, this isn’t the same as email. What you post here, everyone else can read, too.
And for what it’s worth, you’re way cooler than most moms, who probably could never post on a blog if they even knew what one was.