For a long time, the Slashdot Effect or “being slashdotting” was the measure of a hot topic. Essentially it’s the effect of an article or webpage getting a lot of exposure on a highly trafficed website (i.e. Slashdot) and then getting the snot kicked out of the server as thousands of people descend upon it. There’s nothing malicious about it — it’s just the side effect of having a too-small web server hosting a too-large crowd.
Now there’s the Digg Effect. Same results, different source. is a social bookmarking site with a ratings and comments. See an article you like? You can “digg” it.
This morning, one of the articles on BigBlueBall reached the Digg front page, and the active users hit an all-time high — over 4,100 people at the peak. The Digg Effect.
See if you can guess what time it happened, based on this graph my server’s traffic analysis graph.
Can you digg it?
Wow, that’s quite the bandwidth hit! Digg can certainly create an impact!
Wow, that’s quite the bandwidth hit! Digg can certainly create an impact!
i tihnk it hit around 4 AM. It looks kind of low around 11 to me.
i tihnk it hit around 4 AM. It looks kind of low around 11 to me.
Yes, Psi thanks you. 😀
-Psi Webmaster
Yes, Psi thanks you. 😀
-Psi Webmaster
Hal, glad to hear that Psi got a nice boost from the article. It’s a very nice Jabber client.
Hal, glad to hear that Psi got a nice boost from the article. It’s a very nice Jabber client.